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Attitude and Aptitude – Relationship | Ethics Concept Series 21-10-21 Aptitude refers to the inherent ability to learn and grasp, whereas attitude refers to one's learned tendency or predisposition towards an object, person or action. Aptitude is a natural ability or innate potential to learn or acquire a skill whereas attitude tells about a person’s desire to perform or learn. Both the attributes are very much essential for enhancing the efficiency of bureaucracy in many folds.   ...

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Attitude And Types of Attitude | Ethics Concept Series 18-10-21 An attitude is a relatively enduring organization of beliefs, feelings, and behavioral tendencies towards socially significant objects, groups, events, or symbols. It is a learned tendency or predisposition to respond in a consistently favorable or unfavorable manner for a given object.   ...

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Attitude and Classification of Attitudes | Ethics Concept Series 11-10-21 An attitude is a relatively enduring organization of beliefs, feelings, and behavioral tendencies towards socially significant objects, groups, events, or symbols. It is a learned tendency or predisposition to respond in a consistently favorable or unfavorable manner for a given object. Attitudes can be generally Positive and Negative, Implicit and Explicit, instrumental and Value expressive Attitudes.   ...

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ATTITUDE: CONTENT, STRUCTURE, FUNCTIONS| ETHICS CONCEPT SERIES 09-10-21 ATTITUDE An attitude is a relatively enduring organization of beliefs, feelings, and behavioral tendencies towards socially significant objects, groups, events, or symbols. It is a learned tendency or predisposition to respond in a consistently favorable or unfavorable ma...

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CONCEPT OF CARDINAL VIRTUES | ETHICS CONCEPT SERIES 07-10-21 Cardinal Virtues are the fundamental virtues on which the other virtues are based. The term ‘cardinal’ is derived from the word Cardo. ‘Cardo’ means a hinge or a hook which supports the door, and on which the door turns. Cardinal virtues are defined as a group of virtues such that they cannot be derived from one another and all other virtues can be derived from them or shown to be forms of them.    ...

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ROLE OF FAMILY SOCIETY AND EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS IN INCULCATING VALUES | ETHICS CONCEPT SERIES 04-10-21 Values imply individual preferences. As the man is a social being these preferences are learnt in the life through the influence of various actors like family, society, educational institutions etc. and the role of these actors becomes very much instrumental and important for inculcation of the values.   In other words, Human values are the virtues that are inculcated in human beings through the process of socia...

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ETHICS AND VALUES - COMPARISON | Ethics Concept Series 01-10-21 Ethics and Values together lay the foundation for sustainability. Ethics are the set of rules that govern the behaviour of a person, established by a group or culture. Values refer to the beliefs for which a person has an enduring preference.  Ethics and values are important in every aspect of life, when we have to make a choice between two things, wherein ethics determine what is right, values determine what is important.   ...

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HUMAN VALUES | Ethics Concept Series 30-09-21 What are Human Values? Values imply individual preferences. They are the long lasting and fundamental beliefs that can guide, motivate the attitudes or actions of a Person.  Human values are the virtues that guide us to take into account the human element whe...

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ETHICS AND MORALITY | ETHICS CONCEPT SERIES 22-09-21 Ethics and morals seem to appear similar on the face of it, but if one analyzes deeply, there is a subtle difference. Ethics define the code that a society or group of people adhere to, while Morality delves into the right and wrong at a much deeper level, both personal and spiritual. Morals define personal character, while ethics stress a social system which those morals are applied.   ...

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