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EDEN IAS is going to start the Essay writing course for Mains 2021 & 2022 under the guidance of one of the best teachers for UPSC exam preparation, Tirthankar Roychowdhary Sir.
This course is a complete solution for Essay writing for UPSC Mains Examination. As we know that, essay is a subject matter which needs a lot of practice, which can’t be gained overnight. This course has a lot of practice activity involved with proper individual attention to every aspirant.
The course is consisting of following ...
1. 10 Classes (2 Guiding Classes + 8 Essay Discussions).
2. 8 Sectional Tests.
3. 2 Mock Tests.
4. Essay Work-book.
5. Mentorship.
The course is an amalgamation of Guiding classes + Section wise practice sessions + Discussion sessions + Mock Test Series + Personalized Mentorship. The detailed agenda of the course is as follows…
Guiding classes (2 Classes) – The guiding classes are going to start with your introduction to Essay writing in UPSC CSE Mains examination. Starting with the idea of explaining…
1. How is writing an essay for UPSC Mains is different from a regular way of Essay writing in schools & college?
2. What should be the approach& strategy to choose an Essay in UPSC Exam Paper as per your ability? (Keeping previous year’s question papers of Essay in UPSC Exams as standard reference)
3. How to formulate the structure of an Essay from the Introduction to Main Body of the Essay and the final conclusion, depending on the type of Essay.
4. How to manage time, avoid redundancy & manage the flow of content of your Essay.
5. Last but not least – The creativity related to the answer writing.
Section wise Essay writing Sessions (8 Tests – 2 Essays/Session) – These are total 8 sessions consisting of 2 Essays per session from a particular area of Essay writing syllabus. The aspirants are expected to write both the essays which will be followed by a discussion session covering both the essays by Tirthankar Roychowdhary Sir.
The areas to be covered as the syllabus of Essay writing is as follows…
1. Essay on Social Issues.
2. Essay on Philosophical topics.
3. Essay on Environmental Issues.
4. Essay on Science & Technology related Issues.
5. Essay on Women related Issues.
6. Essay on Economic Issues.
7. Essay on International & Geo-political Issues.
8. Essay on Ethical Issues.
The agenda of this course is to cover the Essay syllabus in a 360-degree dimension... E.g. The Essay on Social Issues will cover issues related to Education, Poverty, Unemployment etc.…
The course is covering the current related issues of around 2 Years to give a contemporary approach to the Essay writing.
Section wise Discussion sessions (8 Discussions – 2 Essays/Session) -
There are total 8 discussion sessions going to be held under this course, each of 2 hrs. under the guidance of Tirthankar Roychowdhary sir.
Mock Test Series (2 Mock Tests) –
After the completion of course, there are two Mock Tests to be conducted on the pattern of UPSC CSE mains Examination.