UPSC Mains Answer Writing for Beginners – SUGAM by EDEN IAS

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Starts from 21st Feb


EDEN IAS has come up with an Answer writing course for beginners – SUGAM, which means “Easy”. This course covers the complete syllabus of UPSC Mains – GS I, II, III, IV. Aspirants can take all the GS Papers at a time or can choose any of the GS paper – (Module wise answer writing practice) as per their need.

This answer writing course is a daily based answer writing course for which the syllabus would be given to the aspirant. There are many UPSC aspirants who take answer writing as the biggest challenge during the UPSC CSE preparation. This course is going to help them to start the answer writing and also will help them to cover the entire UPSC / IAS syllabus, which will help them to gain confidence and develop daily answer writing discipline.

How is it the best answer writing course for beginners, preparing for UPSC /IAS exam...?

1. The course follows the UPSC exam pattern.

2. Easy to follow syllabus division as daily answer writing target.

3. Covers the entire syllabus of GS I, II, III, IV – sub topic wise.

4. Hand holding approach through mentorship.

5. Quality questions and Model Answers.


What are the answer sheet evaluation parameters…?

1. Strict evaluation keeping the UPSC standards in mind.

2. Proper guidelines from the faculty in form of written comments.

3. Highlighting the conceptual error with proper suggestion of resources.

4. Identifying and encouraging the aspirant’s strong areas or traits from his answer.

5. Improvisation of presentation skills in answer writing practice.